Thursday, May 10, 2012

What about corruption in India?

A deep-rooted problem in any country inflicting punishments on the poor by not providing them enough resources to enjoy a "quality life". By stealing from the poor, wealthier folks wallet keeps on getting fatter and obese. To the point that now it is a disease, not just a flesh-eating disease but a disease that is eating our conscience. We only need food, water, and shelter to survive. Yet, this constant battle amongst our peers to achieve this #1 place in society...where are we heading? Are we evolving into a more pragmatic beings where "I" is most likely to come first and "you" can go to hell. The selfish nature vs. altruistic. The giver vs. give me.

So there is corruption in India and it's more widespread than a virulently malignant cancer. But is it just in the politics? Can we truly say that only politicians and few government officials of India are corrupt or is it the entire nation? Are we not all under a constant pressure to achieve a state of worthiness in the society. We want people, family, and our friends to like us; we want them to see us as role models, and we want to flaunt our wealth, our achievements in front of them. Does it mean that we achieve it by any means and by hook or by crook. Has this cancer spread not only in our own bodies but we have now transferred it to our surroundings? How can we diminish corruption when it is an epidemic.

A very fine example of how I am also encouraging such an erratic behavior. So, a way to stop corruption would have meant not giving bribe to the next officer who had asked me on that GT road highway, "show me your driving license". Though even after having shown the required documents, and still being interrogated as if I had committed the most horrendous crime on this planet, that was to "drive on the GT road highway". So we have all given bribe to get out of a similar scene like this. We do not have "time" to waste. I am certain that if you are an Indian, and reside in one point or perhaps more you have given bribe or taken. Welcome to the world. We would rather play Temple Run (for the youngsters out there); worry about our daily problem and/or who are we going to marry, etc (the daily issues that are bothering each and everyone of us) than to worry about what is troubling our society, and nation. We would rather fill our wallets, banks, homes with money, gold, diamonds than to worry about of that homeless man (Kelly Thomas). If a cause is worth fighting for, we fight. If a cause deserves standing together, we stand. If a cause is worth writing for, we have to write. Today, I write to make each one of us aware, not of one cause, not of two but the route cause of all problems. When we have a termite issue, we call the terminators and get the house eliminated of the termites or if we start thinking of rebuilding the house. Here, the is issue is our own conscience.

What is ailing us is not just corruption but the fact that we have gotten used to it now. We have come to terms with it.  Our level of tolerance is equally proportionate to the level of cheaters in society. We see more and more cheaters and our tolerance level grows too. It is quite apparent that there is corruption in India. It is quite apparent that the politicians have now convinced us into buying their stories. I have always remembered that the government is "government of the people, by the people, for the people”. But it does not hold true anymore. I may sound like I am protesting anti-government. But no. And as it holds true, I have been indoctrinated into believing that corruption and politics are synonyms. Corruption runs in the society, ran by the society, and for the society. 

The only way to eradicate any disease is to start to know the disease as a whole. What to target. Today we need our conscience cleaned. We need to see ourselves as inter-linked with our society and function as those blue-skinned Na'vi of Pandora who knew how to live harmoniously. If we all started to disconnect ourselves from the world and started seeing ourselves as a separate entity and started thinking selfishly then people we are in a big trouble. Today, only few amongst us are corrupt and not all of us. Today, we have time to change their thinking by setting examples for our future generation. Today, we have to be aware and start making the right decisions. 

End corruption at home, in your conscience. Let's create a better home, brick by brick, thought by though.


I just wanted to voice my opinion. Where else could I find this opportunity but to create my own blog and write my thoughts. This will be prone to errors, subjective bias, and grammatical errors. So please, don't start pulling your hair from the roots and rather sit patiently. Thank you.

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